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Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera.......

Only days before their wedding, Reza loses his job, he is so short of money that the wedding is postponed indefinitely. Reza finds another way out by migrating to the big city to find a job that will allow him to return to Ezora and get married. The lovers’ good-bye is surrounded by pain and devastation, but they both know they must stand up for one another… because when love is real it resists anything, even distance.

Cast : Fazura, Beego, Dynas, Zed Zaidi, Fezrul Khan, Diana Rafar, Cat Farish.
Director : Ahmad Idham

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ezora Episod 36

ye...mcm mane dgn pendapat korang ek dalam episode kali nie..byk gle persoalan skang kan....adoi....tp xpe yg penting ezora dah jmpe bapak die...korang terpk sesuatu x??
persoalan yg bermain d fkrn hanz... nape adreen cm x ksh je ezora tinggal kt rmh lain? klw btl dia husband ezora, mst dia kisah n bising kn...ni cm "ok-ok " je... betol ke diorang dah kawen atau diorang saje berlakon jew...??

Part 1:-

Part 2:-

Part 3:-

Part 4:-

p/s..sy sudah memperbaiki komen sebelum ini yg mengatakan video nie separuh x nampak...skang insyallah dah memuaskan ati anda...terima kasih en ezi kerana memberi komen yg amat bergune dan membina...jikalau sesape yg ade komen n cadangan jgn malu malu n segan silu untuk mengemukakan nye....sy akan memperbaiki dalam mase kesemasa...have fun.....


Anonymous said...

mmg ezora x kawen pun dg adreen..

hanz said...

huhu...kite tgu n lihat k....

Anonymous said...

pahal tak boleh tengok ni?

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